#52: Important documents

Episode 52 April 17, 2019 00:11:30
#52: Important documents
DeCluttr Me
#52: Important documents

Apr 17 2019 | 00:11:30


Show Notes

In this week's episode, we discuss a topic that can be very dry for some but is vital you deal with - important documents. When referring to important documents, I am talking about school certificates, marriage and divorce certificates, share certificates, title deeds for properties, Will and guardianship documents, financial documents including for your mortgage, pension and savings, passport and residency documents, pet documents, etc. In this new podcast we discuss: * The various types of important documents. * How to separate the important documents from other documents in your life. * How to organise them as hard copy and digitally. * Storing important documents. We would love it if you would leave your review of the DeCluttr Me podcast in your favourite player. If you have any suggestions for future episodes [let us know](http://www.decluttrme.com/contact)! If you would like to know more about decluttering and organising with Decluttr Me head over to [our website](http://www.decluttrme.com). You can find DeCluttr Me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin - just type in @decluttrme.

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