#86: Decluttering the Pantry

Episode 86 December 18, 2019 00:19:27
#86: Decluttering the Pantry
DeCluttr Me
#86: Decluttering the Pantry

Dec 18 2019 | 00:19:27


Show Notes

One of the most difficult space in anyone's house whether it's a cabinet, a closet or an entire room, is the pantry. This week Shelina breaks down how to declutter & reorganize your pantry so you have the right things in the right places, and handle expiration of food better. I hope you enjoyed this Amaeya Creative, produced podcast. If you did, it would be amazing to hear your feedback! If you have suggestions for future episodes, please let me know. You can follow Decluttr Me on social media: [Instagram](https://instargam.com/decluttrme), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/decluttrme) & [Twitter](https://twitter.com/decluttrme) Leave a review on [Apple Podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/decluttr-me/id1366882784). Thanks!

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