#51: Getting your spouse on board with decluttering

Episode 51 April 10, 2019 00:11:52
#51: Getting your spouse on board with decluttering
DeCluttr Me
#51: Getting your spouse on board with decluttering

Apr 10 2019 | 00:11:52


Show Notes

In this week's episode, I wanted to discuss a hot, fiery topic: how to get your spouse on board with decluttering. Often a client will tell me that their spouse is the reason for the clutter. They walk in the door every day and throw items around randomly; or they hoard items and don't want to let go of their clothes, paperwork or other items. This behaviour causes frustration and often acrimony in the house, but asking a spouse to declutter can lead to you walking into a brick wall. Today's podcast discusses the cluttering spouse and is perfect for you if you are walking into a brick wall currently with your other half. In this new podcast we discuss: * The issues that occur when asking spouses to clear their clutter. * How to convince your spouse to start the declutter process. * Decluttering in your home with and without your spouse. * The timeframe to get your spouse to declutter. We would love it if you would leave your review of the DeCluttr Me podcast in your favourite player. If you have any suggestions for future episodes [let us know](http://www.decluttrme.com/contact)! If you would like to know more about decluttering and organising with Decluttr Me head over to [our website](http://www.decluttrme.com). You can find DeCluttr Me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin - just type in @decluttrme.

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