#53: Walk-in wardrobes

Episode 53 April 24, 2019 00:10:38
#53: Walk-in wardrobes
DeCluttr Me
#53: Walk-in wardrobes

Apr 24 2019 | 00:10:38


Show Notes

One of my favourite areas to organise are newly built walk-in closets. I love it so much that my Instagram is mostly filled with walk-in closets which have been organised. As fabulous as walk-in closets are, they are often created by designers and the client with some flaws. There are parts of the space that have not been considered, which then causes problems when putting the clothes and accessories into the space. To help to create a fabulous walk-in closet, I am giving tips in my new podcast on what to consider when designing the closet. In this new episode we talk about * Decluttering your clothes before you start the design process. * Organising your clothes and accessories. * Flaws to avoid designing the walk-in closet. * Sections to consider within the closet space. If you would like to know more about decluttering and organising with Decluttr Me head over to www.decluttrme.com. You can find DeCluttr Me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin - just type in @decluttrme.

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