#102: Grief Manifesting As Clutter

Episode 102 April 23, 2020 00:12:08
#102: Grief Manifesting As Clutter
DeCluttr Me
#102: Grief Manifesting As Clutter

Apr 23 2020 | 00:12:08


Show Notes

We recorded this episode a few weeks ago, before the Coronavirus restrictions came into effect in Dubai. On the episode, we chat about how grief can manifest itself as clutter and Shelina's tips on how to handle this clutter. She also shares her thoughts on how to deal with the situation if you know someone who's unable to declutter due to grief and some starting points to help them. If you would like to know more about decluttering and organising with Decluttr Me head over to www.decluttrme.com. You can find DeCluttr Me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin - just type in @decluttrme.

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