#59: The best way to declutter & organize toys

Episode 59 June 05, 2019 00:08:44
#59: The best way to declutter & organize toys
DeCluttr Me
#59: The best way to declutter & organize toys

Jun 05 2019 | 00:08:44


Show Notes

Toys seem to be a huge clutter problem in households nowadays. There are so many toys out there to buy and give as presents, and there never seems to be enough time to declutter some of the old ones from the house. Seeing these toys pile up in the lounge, playroom and bedroom has made a lot of my clients and followers feel anxious and overwhelmed. To help remove this clutter cloud hanging over their heads, I thought now would be a good time to discuss the best way to declutter and organise toys before the school holidays. * When is the best time to declutter the toys; * How to start the declutter process; * Separating the toys to leave your house; * Dealing with the tears of losing the toys; * Organising the toys that are left; * Showing your children and household how to maintain the systems. If you need help to declutter and organise the toys, contact me by completing the form at decluttrme.com. If you would like to know more about decluttering and organising with Decluttr Me head over to www.decluttrme.com. You can find DeCluttr Me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin - just type in @decluttrme. Thanks again for listening!

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