#44: Tips to Declutter Your Toiletries

Episode 44 February 20, 2019 00:08:16
#44: Tips to Declutter Your Toiletries
DeCluttr Me
#44: Tips to Declutter Your Toiletries

Feb 20 2019 | 00:08:16


Show Notes

Everytime I have a session with a client organising and decluttering their bathrooms, I get inspired to organise my bathroom and toiletries. As you can imagine, this means I organise my bathroom on a very regular basis. How often do you declutter and organise your bathroom. How old are some of the products you have? Do you use them? In this week's podcast with Chirag, I give my tips on how to declutter your toiletries and what to look out for when decluttering, especially with regards to medicine. We are looking for sponsors for our show. Want to find out about our sponsor packages? Get in touch by completing the form [here](http://www.decluttrme.com/contact). You can find Decluttr Me on all your favourite social media channels including: www.facebook.com/decluttrme www.instagram.com/decluttrme www.twitter.com/decluttrme

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