#116: Organizing Your Photos, with Simon Wigzell

Episode 116 July 29, 2020 00:14:29
#116: Organizing Your Photos, with Simon Wigzell
DeCluttr Me
#116: Organizing Your Photos, with Simon Wigzell

Jul 29 2020 | 00:14:29


Show Notes

have had a lot of requests from followers on our social media and listeners of our podcast to talk about photo organising. I am not an expert, although I do like decluttering and organising photos personally, so thought it would be a great time to chat with a photo organiser, Simon Wigzell who is the owner of Let's Get it Sorted (https://www.letsgetitsorted.co.uk) In this episode, I find out about Simon and how he started his organising business (it was a bumpy start... ), how he got into photo organising as one of his specialties, and his favourite tips and tricks. Thanks for listening as always! If you love, please leave a review. Shelina Professional Organiser and Podcaster ------------------ Learn more about DeCluttr Me on [website](http://decluttrme.com) Follow Decluttr Me on Social Media * [Facebook](facebook.com/decluttrme) * [Twitter](https://twitter.com/decluttrme) * [Instagram](https://instagram.com/decluttrme)

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